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How Under Counter Fridge Silver Has Transformed My Life The Better

페이지 정보

작성자 Leonora
댓글 0건 조회 12회 작성일 24-01-20 04:35


subcold-eco100-led-under-counter-white-fridge-freestanding-refrigerator-solid-door-with-chiller-box-led-light-lock-key-energy-efficient-100l-white-581.jpgHotpoint RLA36G1 Graphite Undercounter Fridge

Get your food organized your way with this stylish undercounter refrigerator from Hotpoint. It is a perfect fit under your counter, and comes with shelves that can be adjusted to fit your needs and an ice-cream bin.

Awarded an impressive F energy rating, this undercounter refrigerator will help keep your costs low and contribute to the environment. It includes Hygiene+ to keep your food fresher longer.

Storage capacity of 149 litres

Although this refrigerator isn't enough to fit under your counter, it still has plenty of storage. There's plenty of room to keep your food fresh with 7 shelves that are internal, a large salad container, and a large drawer. Plus, with adjustable safety glass shelves you can store different sizes of items without worrying of them falling and breaking.

This Hotpoint RLA36G1 refrigerator has an impressive A+ rating. You can be confident that it will work efficiently and save you money on electricity bills. HygienePlus protection is also included it is an anti-bacterial coating that is placed on the inside of the fridge. This assists in eliminating bacteria and mould. This ensures that your food will remain fresher for longer. It can hold several bags of groceries comfortably because of its capacity of 149 litres.

A+ energy rating

Hotpoint's RLA36G1 has an A+ energy rating, so you can be sure that your refrigerator will operate efficiently and help you save money on your electricity bills. There's a massive 146 litres of space for all your groceries and this compact appliance is able to be tucked away under counter fridge integrated your kitchen counter. It's also packed with features such as adjustable shelves made of safety glass with a salad drawer as well as useful door compartments for bottles and jars. There's even antibacterial protection that looks great and prevents odours from forming too.

You don't have to worry about frost accumulations, as the auto defrost feature does all the work. Active Oxygen dispenser releases pure air to your fridge, which stops bacteria from growing by as much as 90%..

This undercounter refrigerator comes with doors that are reversible, giving the user more flexibility when it comes to placing it. You can also fit this undercounter refrigerator into tight spaces by making use of the feet that can be adjusted. This sleek, freestanding refrigerator is backed up by a 10-year parts warranty and a 1-year labor warranty.

Hygiene+ protection

A cool and fresh fridge is always on hand to ensure that food and beverages are safely stored. However when bacteria and germs accumulate on the grills on the front of your appliance, they can slow down performance. Regular cleaning can help prevent this problem by keeping your fridge neat and tidy, ensuring it functions in a normal manner.

This undercounter refrigerator by Hotpoint is equipped with sturdy safety glass shelves which can hold everything you require. This is ideal for those who want to store large quantities of casserole dishes or bottles. It's also secured by Hygiene+, which means it can keep food safe from nasty bacteria and germs.

This freestanding fridge of 146 litres is ideal for any kitchen due to its undercounter design. The sleek Graphite finish makes it both modern and stylish, and the A+ rating for energy efficiency will help you reduce your electric bills. The fridge also has 7 shelves inside, a large salad bin, and plenty of storage space for your food items. Furthermore, the anti-bacterial hygienic coating on the inside of the fridge helps to keep your food fresher for longer.

Versatile design

The 146 litre capacity of the Hotpoint RLA36G1 undercounter fridge is ideal for keeping lots of snacks, food items and drinks stored neatly under your counter. The reversible doors allow you to put it in any corner of the kitchen or the utility room. Adjustable feet ensure that the fridge sits level on uneven surfaces. You can also alter the temperature based on what you are storing. The auto defrost feature, along with Hygiene+ protection will safeguard your food by killing mold and bacteria.

A good undercounter refrigerator should be able to cool quickly from room temperature, otherwise you'll be left with the accumulation of moisture in the cabinet. Fast cooling mode can cut down on the energy use while allowing you to cool your food quickly.

Selecting a model with forced air circulation is a good idea, as this can help ensure the temperature is steady and consistent. There are models that utilize Dynamic Cooling Technology from Marvel, which optimizes internal cooling circulation to minimize temperature fluctuations and deliver an improved preservation environment, which results in better food quality (including flavour and nutrition) as well as longer-lasting freshness and less food waste.

Make sure you review the product's specifications carefully. You'll find models marked as ADA Height or "low profile" as they are designed to fit under counters and meet ADA guidelines. This is important because you'll be using your counter fridge to serve as a cooler for beverages or to hold your cooking equipment, so it must to be placed under your counter.comfee-93-litre-fridge-rcd93wh1-e-under-counter-fridge-with-reversible-door-hinge-white-607.jpg


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